High-level cyber security strategy - IT Empathy ® Blog

IT Empathy ® Blog - High-level cyber security strategy


High-level cyber security strategy.

Published: 27.02.2023


There are really only two types of cyber security high-level strategy businesses can deploy to fight the cons while supporting the pros of innovations like artificial intelligence, Cloud Computing, IoT or 5G.

1. Proactive. (Uncommon)

1.1 Invest in high standards and controls upfront to squeeze significant risk down to residual risk. As in plug the holes and keep plugging new holes.

1.2 Balanced approach between innovation and cybersecurity efforts. As in, don’t sacrifice cybersecurity to adopt Swiss cheese innovation. But at the same don’t stifle the purpose of innovation with too much rope. Careful balance is required!

1.3 Has a budget agreed upfront based on risk levels involved. What assets are at risk? Brand protection etc.

1.4 Human centred approach as staff are the most significant risk. Build cyber efforts into staff culture. Help them help the company be more secure.

2. Reactive (common)

2.1 Results in knee jerk responses to cybersecurity incidents and last minute compliance struggles with audit requirements.

2.2 Consumes all your internal resouces and suppliers time and energy. Preventing projects and change.

2.2 Results in significant expense post, which is very likely to not have a current proactive budget.

2.3 Perceived as a headless chicken approach and unprofessional.

2.4 Risk of massive brand and reputationable damage.

2.5 Risk of financial ruin.

2.6 Manifests politics between teams creating blame cultures and silo communication in working environments as staff fight for survival.

2.7 Demoralises IT & cybersecurity staff.

2.8 Creates conflict when multiple things go wrong. Consuming executives limited time.

2.9 Leads to a high turnover of IT resources and suppliers.

2.9 Blocks strategic objectives.

2.11 It's a bad idea to be reactive with Cybersecurity👎.


For advice and support choose IT Empathy ® be your proactive IT strategic guide 👍. Get in touch via our contact page shown below.

 Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Jon Bailey

Independent Consulting and Advisory

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